Here is the new story I just started. Thought I might put it up more or less as a blog and just try to add some each day. Hope you like it and for more of my writing go to


Zombie Predators

Written by: Karla Potter

Copyrighted 12-18-2010


In eastern Nevada just 3 miles south of Karlton a small peaceful town nestled in some rolling hills, set a large observatory and biochemistry lab. For years they have been working to build a beautiful woodland setting, just a mile west of the lab. The scientists have been analyzing new strains of trees, flowers and animals. They have studies, planned, and designed it for the preservation and rehabilitation of the land. The scientists share a commitment of achieving a balance between preservation, use and management of the woodland resources. Yet Doug wanted to try something never before discussed, and while no one was looking he placed a piece of his own skin in the jar of various animal and insect DNA. As he was tightening the lid Bob, the assistant researcher walked in. His broad toothy smile seemed to brighten up any room. "Hi there! What's up?" He asked walking towards Doug.
Dragging a sterile cloth over the counter Doug replied, "Not really to much. I just got here my self." Doug replied.
"Well, man has destroyed so much that I think we need to try and build a dynamic, diverse and resilient strain of DNA if we are going to continue on." Bob said stopping next to Doug.
"Before any kind of restoration can begin, a baseline of information about the different strand of DNA must be made." Doug stated, while twisting the jar nervously in his fingers.
"We have documented everything we have done for years."
"That was with plants and animals. If these new types are going to survive they will need a more advance person to help them ahead."
"Are you talking about messing with human DNA again?" Bob asked in disbelief.
"Look this improved and healthy ecosystem is going to need people as advanced as it is. We need to make man able to survive no matter what else happens." Doug stated firmly.
"Doug, calm down we just do not have the funding to do human experiments."
"I know, I know,” he muttered then added, “How about some breakfast, while it is still early?"
"Sounds good to me, my stomach is letting me know that the sun is up." Bob laughed, heading towards the door.

*     *     *

Later on the day was warm and the sky was unusually clear, as Linda a dark haired, small framed research scientist decided to search the sky for the second time that day. Looking through the telescope, Linda saw an incoming meteor cluster. It appeared to have an estimated impact velocity of between 10 and 20 km/s, with a total mass of between 20 and 60 metric tons. At the altitude of 5-10 km, the meteorite broke into pieces and began falling to earth. Linda jumped off her stool and ran to the phone, as she picked it up the sound of a jet breaking the sound bearer happened.
Working in a science lab may help uncover new discoveries, but it can be hazardous when the truly unexpected is added, as Doug and some associates are about to find out; however back in town people began to panic as the asteroids neared the final stage of exposure to the atmosphere and the high exposure to a combination of electromagnetic pulses and nuclear radiation filled the air. All at once the phone line became clogged in the small town and cross streets were bustling with people throwing belonging in their cars then pulling out recklessly. Emergency numbers were already backed up and the asteroid had only hit an hour ago. The major was on the local channel trying to get people to calm down. “It is my duty to inform you that an asteroid has hit just 4 miles out of town, but not to panic for the National Guards have already been dispensed to the point of touch down.” Turning the television off, Mary, a nice shaped brown haired lady of thirty-eight, continued pacing the floor waiting for the phone to ring. Damn, I wish Bob would call. He knows how things like this upset me. She thought tossing a pillow back on the couch.
Right then the front door flew open. “Auntie, you have to come with me!” Todd her nephew stated.
What’s going on?
Mom got hit and is headed to the hospital.
Grabbing up a coat she rushed out of the house.
As they pulled out the drive way they were almost hit by a crazed driver. “Oh shit!”
“If you cannot handle it auntie, I will take over. I am sure it is going to get worse.”
“What do you mean?”
“Didn’t you hear that an asteroid struck just out side of town?”
“Well, everyone has been trying to get out of here because of the radiation.”
“What radiation? There was no radiation mentioned on the television.”
“Oh auntie, they aren’t going to tell people that, it is just something we had been studying just last week. All asteroids have at least some radiation and it has to be tested in order to find out what kind and how much it is giving off.”
Slamming on the brakes, Mary shouts, “Oh my God!”
Glancing about Todd’s mouth falls open, “Holy shit!” Hit the gas Auntie those things are coming this way!”
Right then a blood soaked man with bloody, slimy intestines hanging out of his mouth, put his hand on the hood.
“Lord, forgive me!” Mary said as she pressed on the gas and ran the man down with the vacant stare that was drooling and mumbling incoherently. All at once there was a sickening crunch as she ran over the body. All around them they could see half eaten body, bodies walking with parts missing and people actually ripping off the flesh of others as wild dogs would do. The closer they got to the hospital the more people were walking around a bloody mess and closing in. Slamming the car into reverse Mary spots her sister Susie covered in blood. “Oh my God! Susie.”
Hearing that, Todd jerks his head around, “Mother,” he shouted jumping from the car before Mary could stop him.
Mary watched in fear as Todd made his way over to his mother punching this one and slugging that one. He continued knocking down all the walking dead in his way.
Susie looked at Todd and a sickly smile formed as she faced him. With blood covered hands Todd grabbed Susie’s arm, shouting, “Come on mom, before these things get you!”
Right then, Susie grabbed Todd’s bloody hand and took a bite, swing wildly Todd shouted, “What the Fuck,” as he struck his mother; knock her back and away from him, he ran back to the car. A few feet from the car, he called out, “Auntie! We need to get out of here!” He made his way to the far side of the car just in time to see a zombie taking another bite out of Mary. He loses it and stands there killing as many as he can until he could fight no more. This kind of feeding continued to spread until the National Guards and police finally got it under control for the most part. Building shelters and making timely patrols.

*     *     *

Doug had just slipped some reptile DNA in a jar with the human tissue, when a ear piercing sound filled the lab. Everyone all over the lab became unconscious and fell to the floor. As Doug fell his arm struck the jar knocking it off of the counter and it fell over; rolling slowly towards  the edge. Doug had already hit the floor just as all the others had done only the jar with the experimental testing with various spider, reptile and animals DNA in it finally rolled of the edge and landed right on Doug's skull. Instantly a cracking sound filled the air as the fragile jar broke open and fell to the floor leaving the mix of DNA's and radiation to seep into his pores. Hours later, some of the other workers slowly came into the room. Moaning and groaning about in the dark, unsure of what was or did go on Doug laid perfectly still and silent in an attempt to figure out what had happened. Opening his eyes he made out someone’s pant leg just to the left of him and quickly shutting them; decided to stay there and listen to what was going on in hopes to find out why they had not turned on the lights. Maybe someone has broken in. No that cannot be it because of the strange noises they are making. Yet it does sound like they are searching for something. Wait a minute it sounds like at least one has a bum foot. Doug thought nervously. Laying there for what seemed like hours and hearing nothing else Doug got up slowly and made his way to the lights. Seeing the big mess where he had been laying he decided to start cleaning up. As his hand went up to the back of his head, he thought. Ouch, that jar must have hit me in the head. He rubbed  his head gently as he glanced about for a broom. Spotting the broken glass jar he moved to it, right then he spotted Bob unmoving on the floor, so he picked up all the pieces and hid them away in the back part of the floor cabinet before anyone else could notice, then went to the restroom to see just what size of knot was forming.. Glancing about he wondered, Can I trust these people with what had happened or should I keep it secret. Maybe this new life form will give me extra strength or maybe it will make me rich. Hmm, they wouldn’t share a new life form with me, so why should I? Besides, I still don’t know enough about it and I do not want to become their lab rat. I am feeling alright for now, so I will run some tests then decide.
Right then, “Hey Doug,” a rough voice came from the other side of the lab, “What are you just standing there for? Are you all right?”
Clearing his throat, Doug a short haired professor that stood 5’8 shrugged then said, “Yeah, I am alright how about you?”
Glancing at the mess Bob said, “I am alright but this lab took a beating. What happened?”
“Not sure, exactly. I was working, then I heard what sounded like a loud jet breaking the sound bearer, and then I woke up on the floor. What about you?”
“Actually, about the same; is Beth over there with you?”
“No, wasn’t she in the next room with the lab animals?”
“That’s right, let’s go see how things are in there.”
Reaching the door Bob reads the sign; ‘Wear proper clothing, footwear and eyewear at all times. Clothing should not be loose fitting and should cover the maximum amount of skin as possible. Remove or secure dangling jewelry. Tie back long hair. Wear safety goggles and gloves whenever chemicals are being used.’
As Doug said, “Be careful”, he opened the door.
Forcing the door open they spotted Beth still on the floor and many of the cages had been broken open. Kneeling by her side Doug felt for a pulse and glancing up at Bob slowly shook his head letting out a sigh.
Bob knelt down and helped Doug carry her to the far end of the room where there was a cot. Laying her down carefully, they turned and began to search for the missing animals. At that moment, they both heard the town warning siren going off; they raced to the phone and called the sheriff.
“Hello?” a voice came over the line.
“Yes, sheriff, what’s going on? We heard the siren and we are out here at the lab.
“You’re where?”
“At the lab just out side of town, something strange happened earlier today, and we just woke up.”
“Stay put, I’ll send someone out there to help you.”
Doug and Bob continued trying to straighten things up when all the sudden Beth sat up, shook her head slowly then stood up and walked towards them.
“Beth, how are you?”
Doug and Bob stared at each other then Doug looked back at Beth and said, “Beth, are you all right?”
At that moment she lunged at Bob, the lab door opened and a shot rang out; suddenly Beth was on the floor with blood oozing out of her head from the bullet between her eyes.
Within minutes, a couple of men in uniforms and armed with rifles were ushering Doug and Bob out of there, while a whole crew of National Guard guys spread out and completely searched all rooms of the lab for more living dead. Within minutes shots were heard from every direction as the uniformed men escorted Doug and Bob to a black sedan, “Get in and sit down; we will take you to a safe place. The gentlemen said with a cold stone stare. As the man got in the passenger side a young dark haired man began to drive.
Shifting a bit in his seat, Bob a tall muscular, blonde haired man, looked hard at the guy in uniform and asked, “What is your name?”
Turning around with the same cold stare the guy said, “Captain Dave”
Swallowing hard, Doug asked, “Can you tell us what is going on?”
“Well, about a week ago an asteroid broke through into the atmosphere and struck down not to far from here.”
“A week ago,” Bob piped in.
“Yes, but before it hit it broke into 6 pieces. The greatest of which produced a crater with a diameter of 110 m and a depth of 22 m. There were five smaller craters also associated with this bombardment. Their diameters ranged from 12 to 40 meters and their respective depths vary from one to four meters. They all landed within one kilometer of the main crater. The collision released as much energy as several million nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously, and incinerated 6 miles of forest area around here, that’s why it is important for you to come back to town; there are other things going on as well. The dead are getting up killing and eating the living.
Slowly dragging his tongue across his lips, Doug sharply said, "Wait a minute. You want me to believe that this asteroid has somehow changed death?”
Inhaling deeply, Captain Dave turned and looked at Doug then said, "As far as we have been able to tell it is giving off some unusual energy signals"
A slight chuckle escaped Bob’s lips, and then he said, "Any asteroid falling from the sky would have a tremendous amount of energy."
Right then Doug piped in with, “Wait a minute. We all know that it is said that in 2028, the asteroid 1997XF11 will come extremely close to Earth but will miss the planet. If something was to change and it did hit Earth, what you would have is a mile-wide asteroid striking the planet's surface at about 30,000 mph. And an asteroid that big traveling at that speed has the energy roughly equal to a 1 million megaton bomb. Granite, it's very likely that an asteroid like this would wipe out most of the life on this planet but to change living people into the walking dead is impossible.”
Captain Dave stared at both men hard, then turned towards the front and said, “I am sure you are right, so once we are back at the shelter you two can tell me what they really are.”

                                                                                                                    *     *     *

Within the first week there was known dead people walking about and killing the living they came in contract with. Doug began to count all the ways he'd been lucky. The lab was three miles from town, and the town wasn't very big, so there weren't many recent dead. Everyone else had left the lab, trying to get home or to their designated shelters. He'd known the labs maintenance head for a long time, and had bribed him out of some canned food and bottled water from the kitchen before any of this happened. Doug had to argue with the sheriff to even be able to come back out here but he needed to know what exactly was going on. The sheriff agreed as long as the troops continued to make their checks but that too would stop once the weather got bad. The weather wasn't bad yet. The water and electricity were still working, but he'd been boiling the tap water since the second day, assuming that it wasn't being fully treated any longer, and keeping the bottled water in reserve. He wasn't seeing hordes of the walking dead roaming across the grounds yet in their endless search for food. For him or anyone else that may still be lived. Not understand why him and Bob had not been affected while Beth had been and yes several other of their co-worker, Doug started doing research; not only into the fact that there was walking dead, but this thing that had seemed to attached itself to this spine and what it wanted with him. After the troops left the lab and grounds appeared to be deserted, he'd broken into the maintenance office, found a set of master keys and checked all the other labs and rooms. He'd found a radio, a hot plate, surgical knifes as well as some crackers with cheese and peanut butter, canned soups and some candy bars. He knew that those things would break in if they could, so he took what he might need from those rooms then locked them up so those things could not get in. He actually found someone backpack hanging on a hook right inside one of the rooms; in it there was a pair of binoculars. These might come in handy. He thought pulling the door closed and locking it he jot down the numbers of the rooms from which he'd removed things, so he wasted no time if he needed to make a get away. This lab had three floors of labs and storage rooms. Taking basic first aid supplies from the infirmary he thought, I sure wish Bob would have came back with me. I sure could use his eyes while I work. At that moment he inhaled deeply and blacked out. Sometime later he awoke. Rubbing his head he got up and spotted some of the walking dead out side the window. He had no gun, though; soon he'd have to start breaking into the upper floor rooms to see if he could find some weapons. He knew Mike had been a sharp shooter, but not sure if he left his guns here. He doubted he would find anything, but it was possible that some of the fellows had left some here by accident. If they'd been overrun after the early sweeps, there might be guns for the taking. Until then he had knives from the kitchen, surgical scalpels, and a couple heavy legs from a meeting room conference table. If he was careful he could last a while, and he had to last for he had important work to do. Here, he could see much of the lounge area, down most of the length of the main corridor. His eyes stopped on the big sign in the middle of the floor that read; ‘Wear proper clothing, footwear and eyewear at all times. Clothing should not be loose fitting and should cover the maximum amount of skin as possible. Remove or secure dangling jewelry. Tie back long hair. Wear safety goggles and gloves whenever chemicals are being used.’ He huffed and thought. I guess those rules didn’t make a difference in this case. Then glancing about swiftly and seeing nothing, he opened the door silently and slipped out of into the animal room, closing the door silently and staying low, out of sight of the large meeting room windows that looked out over the grounds. The windows remained unbroken; that was a good sign. The building doors were locked and he'd seen and heard nothing yet that indicated they'd learned to use keys. Noise and lights drew them, so he'd been careful there. No noise, ever, and no lights in the visible areas after it started to get dark. Before dark, he was in the secret lab that only he knew of; his beautiful secret lab where he had placed the bottled water and the canned food and made a secret opening into the staff restroom which had no windows except the one in the door and he had made a makeshift shade to cover that one. When the electricity and water finally went out, Doug knew he would have problems. But for now he was probably as well-situated as anywhere else and he had all his equipment to help him figure out just what was going on. Slowly and carefully he checked the main corridor and the areas down by his lab. Good! Nothing; No movement, no sound. He thought moving on down to his lab then resumed to work.

                                                                                                                   *    *    *

During the first few days, he simply followed the news; but as more stations went silent, and more web sites went down, he realized that this could go on longer than anyone had thought, and be worse than anyone had imagined. He thought about Bob and the shelter in town, but some of the last news reports he'd picked up brought word of several of the shelters being overrun by the walking dead. He decided to stay put and ride it out for he also had not figured out what that creature was that had started taking over his nervous system and just how far it would go before stopping him from using his own body. He had noticed that he needed a lot less sleep and was not as hungry as before, yet that could be because of those things walking around out there. Yet, it could be that thing within him, yet all the tests he had run came up native, no way could that jarred specimen become alive. Then he started wondering exactly which books and tools he would need to carry with him if he did decide to leave, because he could not hope to stay here indefinitely. What to save? He was appalled at how difficult the question was proving to be. He was a professor, and selecting items that would be needed should have been easy, yet he had never faced the two problems he was now. He has been working in a sterile environment; yet the area seemed to be getting smaller and smaller while the problems continued to grow. Assuming that the human communities would be rebuilt, and this plague of zombies wasn't the end of everything forever, what he needed to do was find out what was trying to posses him. Especially since he couldn't stay here forever and mankind may not take kindly to person with something else controlling them. So he needed to be able to take with him the things that might help him figure out exactly what this thing was. So he packed all his notes, extra paper, pens, test tubes and needles in a large backpack; it couldn't weigh him down too much since he also had to carry food, water, clothing, weapons and other supplies. Winter was coming, and how many survivors might take too short a view of things, and start tearing down places good for hiding just for kindling to help them fight the cold? All at once he wondered, Why am I worried? Chances are I will not find anyone who will care. Yet, I care and I want to know what this thing is? He thought as he gathered up a few more samples.

*     *     *

He'd heard nothing on the radio for days, and had to assume that meant there was nobody out there broadcasting any more. Staring out the window Doug noticed that there were more walking dead on the grounds and if they were coming out this far now, it probably meant that they had run out of food in the nearby towns. Why carry anything if there was nobody left to care whether he had caught something or not? I should just carry what I need to survive, yes. Those supplies would be taxing enough, so the lighter the pack the better. He thought. Doug was thirty-six years old that had never been athletic. Since I use to walk a lot, so even carrying a pack, I think I should be able to walk for many hours, yet if I had to run. He didn't care to finish that thought. So there is no reason to carry the extra weight; he decided. At that moment from the corner of his eye, he saw movement, and he slipped back into his secret hiding place, even though he knew that with the sun on the big window in the lounge that he shouldn't be visible from outside unless someone was practically resting his face on the glass. The zombie was about twenty yards away from the building, moving toward it. He saw no others, just the one, but the one might have to be dealt with. He didn't think he'd left any trace of himself that might draw them, but where one hung around sooner or later there would be more. He couldn't allow that. If it was still hanging around the building after another half hour, he'd take one of the legs from the conference table, cave in the zombie's skull and get it away from the building, dragging it off into the wood and leave it in the same clearing where he'd left the last half dozen or so. In a way he was almost glad he had no gun. If he had a firearm, he'd be tempted to play it safe and dispatch the zombie from a safer distance; sooner or later the sound of the gunshot would draw more of them, and he'd be finished. Killing them with clubs or edged weapons was riskier, but it was silent; if he was careful he could avoid drawing a bunch of them to where he was before he was ready to leave. And he had to avoid drawing them; if there were enough of them, and if they thought there was food in here, the weight of their numbers would smash through the windows. Grabbing up the backpack he slipped into the bathroom and as he past the mirror he glanced at himself and past out.

*     *     *

Standing up slowly, Doug glanced in the mirror, and his hands moved swiftly to his face. Letting his fingers roam slowly over his face he thought, It feels leathery, something like a gorilla’s. Then glancing down, he noticed he had a lot more hair and thought. I need to see what other things have changed on my body. I know that slim line on the floor had something to do with the broken jar, but what? I was the closest one to it and Bob did not seem to be acting any different when they took us to town hall. Sighing heavily, he moved into the nearest stall. Undressing he began checking for any and all changes. Somewhat stunned he thought, Oh my God! I have scales from the waist down, gently rubbing his hands over his hips and down his legs. Quickly kicking off his shoes he pulled off his socks and his eyes enlarged as he saw small suction cups on the end of his toes. Inspecting them carefully, he thought. These actually resemble the ones found on spiders. At the very moment a fly landed on the wall and without any kind of warning spider silk shot out his mouth and hit the fly. Snapping it off between his teeth, Doug thought. Damn, what were all the different types of DNA; I put in that jar, before placing my skin in it? Hum, spider, lizard, gorilla, dog, and cougar. I think that was all. Those species would explain these weird things going on, but what is causing these black outs? I must do some more studies, yet no-one can find out about these changes or else they will lock me up. Getting dressed again Doug picked up the backpack and headed towards the front door. I have to get out of here before it gets darks and find a safe place.

*     *     *

Mean while, back in town the zombies were moving about and attacking anyone that ventured out of their homes although they didn't move very fast because of the difficulty brought on by the rigor mortis and rot. Safe in town hall Priest Indogun was staring out a window on the second floor, lost in thought. Those creatures have black lips which story from history told of black lips and living dead? Humm,,, Oh yes, New Year celebrations by the goddesses. The king of that time in a symbolic representation of the resurrected fertility god, Dumuzi, would be ritually married to Inanna's earthly representative. As if the king's marriage to a goddess was necessary to assure fertility of the crops. And goddesses Ereshkigal, supreme goddess of the underworld considered Inanna as close as a sister or sister-in-law. However one day when angered, Ereshkigal's face grew livid and her lips grew black. She did not know why Inanna would visit her, nevertheless she allowed her in, and then instructed Namtar, her messenger and vizier, the Fate-Cutter, the herald of death, to release his diseases upon Inanna. Ereshkigal had a palace in the underworld and was due a visit by those entering. And when Inanna trespassed on her domain, Ereshkigal placed on Inanna the eye of death. She spoke against her the word of wrath. Then uttering against her the cry of guilt, she struck her. And right then Inanna was turned into a corpse, and then with a chuckle of satisfaction Ereshkigal hung Inanna from a hook on the wall. Later when Nergal, the unsparing god of the underworld, arrived to give Ereshkigal a throne to sit and pass out judgments on, she offered him food, drink, a footbath, and enticed him with her body. Eventually he gave in and they slept together for seven days. When he got ready to leave Ereshkigal became enraged at the thought of his leaving her, and sent Namtar to heaven to request that the gods send Nergal to her to be punished as one of the few favors she had ever received. If they would not, she threatened to raise the dead who would then eat and outnumber the living. Yeah that is where it was, wait a minute, as I remember it Nergal was brought back in some versions of the myth,  That's right Nergal took control of Namtar's attendant demons, grabbed Ereshkigal from her throne by the hair, and threatened to decapitate her. In this position she proposed marriage to him. In both versions he accepted, they were married, and he became her consort. Then it went on to tell of how Belit-tseri, the female tablet-scribe, knelt before Ereshkigal, could it be that she has finally turned her dominions loose on manki..... Right then the building shook as a thunderous sound filled the town hall, shattering his thoughts. Picking up a baseball bat, Priest Indogun raced to the top of the stairs. He gasped in shock, crossed his heart and began to pray as he saw a pick-up truck strike down 10 innocent bystanders as it drove straight through the front doors. He shook his head in disbelief as a zombie climbed out the driver’s side door and grabbed up a young girl who was standing there in shock. At that moment Priest Indogun ran down the stairs and began beating the zombie in the head as many more forced their way in through the opening. Their bodies reeked of the grave, full of worms, spiders and filth. There was no life in their eyes, no warmth of his skin, as they pushed and tugged their way in. Moaning and groaning their desire for the sweet blood of the living, feasting on the fallen victims. The place filled with screams and loud cursing as people were fighting the zombies off in an attempt to save themselves and the children. Dead bodies began falling this way and that, but did not stay down long, for within minutes they were back up attacking and biting off pieces of their friends and loved one; the smell of death and blood filled the town hall.

*     *     *

Walking into the woods Doug found a half covered up cave. Looking left then right and seeing nothing he entered; pulling out a lighter he lit it and walked the perimeter and seeing no back entrance sat down his things. Gathering a few loose limbs out side the entrance he started a fire. Warming up some he headed back out to gather fire wood. A half hour later he returned; stacked the wood then made a table out of some of the loose boulders at the back of the cave then set up his lab things. Arranging certain test tubes next to special marked jars he made them all match to the counter parts he wanted to test. Then knowing he must defend the cave opening from any attacking zombies, he quickly mounted 4 hand bows with arrows pointed straight at the opening in a Chris-cross pattern, so any unsuspecting zombie would get hit. He had a slight encounter with a few zombies outside the cave, but his handy bat made sure they would cause him no more problems. Yet neglecting to bring any guns with him, he split up some wood and made spikes out of them and set them firmly in the ground, that way any zombie landing on them would not escape. Worried about Bob, Doug tried to call the sheriff's office on his cell phone, yet the sheriff did not answer. Probably best anyway, for they would just advised me to come back for my own protection. He thought, hanging up the phone. Right then he heard what sounded like the cries of a child. Shaking his head in disbelief he stayed quite and listened. What child could be out here in these woods? He wondered, cautiously weaving his way out of the cave and towards the sound. Moving from tree to tree with the grace of a cat, he remained quite; while listening to the young voice sniffling. Minutes later he spots a child sitting near the base of a tree sniffling. Slowly he moved closer towards her, "What's your name little girl?"
She gasps in fright, then cried out, "Don't kill me pleaseee"
Taking back a step, Doug looked at her cautiously. "What are you doing out here and where are your parents?"
"Are you one of them that killed my mommy and daddy?"
"I have killed no-one," Doug replied, squatting next to her. "You must be quite or those things will hear you."
"My mommy told me to run into these woods before they got a hold of her. So I ran until I couldn't run any more; and I am cold and scared."
"Come with me then and I will see you get somewhere safe for the night." He replied helping the little girl to her feet then turned toward the direction of the cave. Quitily  yet swiftly he lead her back to the cave; silently slipping past three different zombies.
Upon reaching the cave Doug looks down at the little girl. "I am going to have to carry you from here, so my traps will not be set off."
Raising her hands, the girl said, "Okay."
Weaving left and right, off and on he made his way back into the cave. As he sat the little girl down she spotted the flames dancing in pretty patterns on the glass jars and test tubes at the back of the cave. Once his hands turned her loose, she ran towards the test tubes. "What are these for?"
Just as her fingers touched one of the jars, Doug snapped, "Do not touch anything or I will put you back out there where I found you."
Fear shot up the little girl's spine and tears ran down her face as she once again started sniffling. "Don't do that! Do you want those things coming in here after us?" Doug snapped.
Her little head shook back and forth quickly, as she wiped her eyes and began nibbling on her lip.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Doug sighed, "Come here."
The little girl cautiously inched her way towards him. Minutes later, weak kneed, she stood next to him, looking up at him.
Glancing down at her tore dress and scratched up legs, Doug's voice softened as he said, "My name is Doug. What is your name?"
Her eyes opened wide and a smile formed that brightened up her dirt little face. "Sammie." She said holding out her hand.
Doug took her hand and shook it. "Well, Sammie; how old are you?"
Holding up both hand, she slowly raised eight fingers and said, "Seven."
Doug smiled as he thought. Well as long as she did not count the thumbs she was holding up she had it right. and then said, "Well, Sammie you are a very brave little girl."
Her chest swelled in pride as she replied, "That cause my mommy told me to be brave."
"You did a very good job. I am sure she would be proud of you. You see those blankets over there?" Doug asked, pointing to the left and back of the cave.
Sammie eyes followed his finger then just nodded her acknowledgement as she asked, "Why is your skin so leathery?"
Inhaling deeply Doug replied, "Because I am getting old. Now why don't you go over there and try and get some sleep, while I try and finish the tests I am running. Sammie went over to the blanket and carefully folded it out then laid down. Turning to face Doug, she asked, "Can we try and find my mommy and daddy tomorrow?" Heading towards the test tubes, Doug felt a heaviness encircle his heart then replied, "We will see what happens. Good night."
After 6 hours of mixing various test tubes of DNA with the radiation particulars Doug was getting no where and no new information appeared on the tests. Slamming his hand down hard in frustration, Doug again hit the floor.

*     *     *

Back in town, Priest Indogun made his way out of town hall; huffing and puffing and on already tired and weak legs made his way across town towards his church. Four streets over he noticed people still packing their cars and rushing about as only a few zombies were walking around. Finally reaching his church he went inside, calmly straightened his robes then locked the door behind him. Turning about he heard noise from various rooms and began looking for the other priests to explain what was happening. Stepping in to his office and finding no-one he sat down behind his deck; bowing his head in prayer a zombie came out of his closet and attacked him. He jumped up; snatched up the huge hard covered bible and raising it above his head whispered, "Father, forgive me," then brought it down hard a top the zombie's head. It cracked the already deteriorated skull and the zombie stumbled, and as priest Indogun was getting ready to swing again the zombies grabbed him and bite his hand. In frightened rage he stuck a letter opener in its eye then bashes it in the head again. As it landed on the floor behind his desk a worried woman broke into his office. "Please priest come and marry this young couple, before they run off and live in sin."
My God woman have you not seen what is happening out side of this building? Priest Indogun thought, but said, "I will be right there." Swiftly slipping on a glove to cover the bite he stepped over the zombie calmly and then headed out of the room with her.
Reaching the restrooms on the left, he told her, "I will be out in just a moment."
With a slight nod, the lady leaned on the wall to wait for the priest.
Stepping into the restroom priest Indogun walked to the cabinet, opened it then popped a couple pain pills. Pulling a paper cup off the wall he filled it with water took a drink to rinse down the pills then looked in the mirror. Lord, I know we all are to be tried, but isn't this just a bit over the edge? Oh well, thy will be done. Please give me the strength to come out victorious. He thought then splashed water on his face, dried out and then rinsed the wound out with alcohol. Gritting his teeth in pain and then so no-one would know he slipped on a clean pair of gloves. Straightening up his robe he glanced in the mirror once more then whispered, "You can do this. Those people are depending on you, so go do what is expected of you." Clearing his throat he inhaled deeply then exiting the restroom Priest Indogun followed the woman down the hall and into a room where there were people anxiously awaiting a wedding to take place.
Upon entering the room the woman called out in a clear and precise voice, "I told you I would get a minister to finish up this wedding."
"Praise the Lord, So happy to see you, We have been waiting for over an hour," filled the air as Priest Indogun made his way to the front of the room then stepped in front of the bride and groom.
Squaring his shoulders, Priest Indogun took a deep breath, opened the bible then stated, "Dearly beloved, we have come here to join this man and this woman in holy mat..." right then the bible hit the floor and Priest Indogun grabbed the bride and bit her in the neck, and as the husband tried to pull her a way. Priest Indogun grabbed his arm and bit him too. The rest of the people run out screaming and crying as Priest Indogun began gnawing on the two love birds. In a fear, frightened rage the girl's mother tried to stop him but he bit her also. As the three lay on the floor about him, Priest Indogun was horrified by his newfound bloodlust. Lord, what have I done?, he wondered getting up from the bloody mess. This cannot happen to me. I am a servant of the Lord. he thought taking off his robe and letting it hit the floor. Rushing back to the restroom he again cleaned up, put on a clean robe then headed down the hall to another room where he found some people in deep prayer. When he walked in, he heard, "Please speak comfort to us. No, please pray for us and our families. Can you tell us what is going on and why the lord is allowing this to happen,” coming from the small group?
As his jaws start trying to lock up he found it hard to pray for the comfort and give them the answers that they sought. As the desire for blood got worse he forced out, "This may just be the end of the world as we know it." Then uncovering his hand he showed it to them, as horror filled their faces a zombie broke through the door and the Priest lifted up a chair, and racing towards it, breaks it across the zombie's head in an attempt to save his flock, as the zombie hits the floor the Priest ushers the people out of the room through a different door away from him, shouting, "In God’s name get out of here before you all turn into one of those creatures."
"But what about you, priest?" A young man calls out.
"I already showed you that it was to late for me, yet I will try to hold them off so you all can get out of here, now hurry." He shouted as another zombie pushed its way in. Swing the chair again a sickening thud fills the air and right then the blood soaked bride drags herself into the room. However at that moment the bloodlust gets too strong and the priest grabs her again and bites her drawing blooding, yet this time the blood was not satisfying and he turned her loose then heads after the warm sweet smell of his flock.

*     *     *

Back in the cave Doug worked diligently mixing different DNAs with the radiation in an attempt to find out what had happened to the people and what was causing them to become zombies. He continued to mix and match the various tubes in hopes of reaction. Not wishing to try his own skin again he quietly walked over to where the girl was a plucked out one of her hairs. Right then a small hand made a shooing motion towards her head a slight moan escaped her lips then the cave became quiet again; letting his breath out slowly Doug turned and walked back to his make shift table; then picking up the test tube marked tiger and dog he dropped the hair in. Moments later, rubbing his eyes, he went and sat down; stretching he thought. What if the radiation and those DNA strands cause another reaction like the one with my skin cells? Well, only time will tell me that one. At that moment a strange noise broke him out of his thoughts.
Turning sharply he spotted a zombie franticly trying to get off two of the spikes planted just outside the entrance. Picking up his bat he walked over to it and bringing the bat up high he swung, colliding with its skull. With a sickening thud its skull cracked then shoving the bat into the its brain he said in a calm cool voice, "Be quiet, or you will wake the kid. By the way, how is it that none of you ever showed up until she was here? Never mind I am not really expecting an answer." With that said out loud Doug began to wonder about himself. Could the creature that slid into me have changed me to the point where the zombies cannot smell me? Then again, maybe they do not go after animal DNA. Better check that out while she is still asleep. Slipping out between the spikes and trip wires for the bows Doug and his handy bat went out in search of zombies. The woods were really dark yet he could somehow see everything easily. It must be another side effect of that thing in me. I never use to be able to see a thing in the dark. I think I could get use to sharing my body if these new abilities stick around. He thought as he slid effortlessly behind first a short bush then a tree; one after the other quite as a church mouse. Then suddenly he came upon a couple of zombies feeding their unquenchable appetites on a couple of uninformed campers. He watched as they ripped out a rib and began gnawing as if were freshly barbequed from Pete's Dinner, then as they began to slurp down strings of slimy intestines Doug’s stomach turned and swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat; he squared his shoulders and walked silently up behind them to see is they would notice. He tried hard not to upchuck as the nausea continued making his stomach queasy as they started eating the squishy brain meat. Just as the smell of death struck his nose, Doug could take no more; he had been standing there for a minute or two and they had not noticed him so with their mouths full of brains he swung his bat; whacking first one then the other and as the bat cracked open the second skull he threw up, adding the god awful smell of vomit to the already vile smell of death. Wiping his mouth, he smashed in both of the heads of the campers as well, to make sure they could not come back as zombies. Moving over to the tent Doug wiped  the blood and slime off of his bat and then strolled back to the cave. Satisfied that the zombies could not smell him, he thought. Hum, this is really good to know. I can easily stay back at the lab without any of them realizing I am there. Wait a minute, what about Sammie? What should I do with her? She is definitely too young to be left alone and since she is not a zombie they can smell her out. There is no way that frightened child can protect herself. Yet if I take her with me they will be all over that lab and I will have to be fighting them off instead of doing my work. Well, she can stay in the cave and be pretty much safe. You know better then that, for they would smell her there and just stack themselves up on the spikes until one or more could make it across, the dumb bastards. I guess that settles it I will just take her with me. At that moment Doug glanced up and spotting the cave he thought. Damn! How am I going to go about this? Continuing forward, he wiped his brow and thought. Shit, I put her DNA in that test tube with the tiger and dog DNA along with some of that radiation before I left just maybe it will turn her into an obedient child that is not afraid. Yeah heart of a tiger.  Chuckling more to himself then out loud he thought. Doug, you really are a genius. Hey if it works those zombies won’t bother her either. With that thought, a smile came to his now leathery face and right then a flying tree squirrel leapt from one tree to another in front of him and as it was in mid-flight Doug shot spider silk from his mouth entangling it and causing it to hit the ground. Grabbing up the squirrel, he again weaved his way back into the cave, and then checking the test tube of mixture he noticed the elements were mixing together and forming a blobby substance, so he poured it into a jar to give it some room then he noticed as he tipped up the test tube that the substance actually looked like a greenish jello, as it flopped into the jar. Gently tapping on the jar he whispered, “Keep working you are almost there and I am going to catch, so shut eye while you finish.” Lying on the hard ground, he thought. If this works, tomorrow night I will be back on my comfortable cot in the lab. Then his eyes slowly closed.

*     *     *


Back in town, a voice came over the emergence broadcast system. "This is to all who have not yet been changed. You must not allow their grotesque appearance or their vile smell nor that un-godly sound they make induce a level of fear and terror that causes you to freeze. You must not react to their appearance even if it is a good friend or relative for once they are bitten they are no longer those loved ones. Instead I want you to focus on delivering a combination of defensive and offensive strikes that will help keep you and your loved ones safe while allowing you and them enough time to get away. I know that most all of you that are left are not solders, yet if you want to stay alive you better buck up. for those zombies do not care who they feast on. Remember once a zombie has wrapped you in its inhuman clutches your likelihood of survival is piss poor. So take a deep breath and do not give up for we have a lot already to fight and we do not need more!"
Grabbing the microphone another voice piped in, "That was uncalled for, Tom! Do not worry folks you are not a lone. We are still here and ready and able to fight so try you best to get some place safe. There are still guards making their rounds to get you people out of here. So when you see patrol units make your way to it and they will bring you to a safe place."
All at once an ungodly noise filled the microphone next, "Brains, brains, brai..."
At that moment an ear piercing sickening screech filled the microphone and Tom a dark hair man in his twenties grabbed up a chair and swung it in hopes of killing the zombie before it bit into his friends arm. "Watch out!" he yelled, swinging the chair into the back of a zombie.
Tyrone, a blonde haired, blue eyed man jumped, but not in time, for it had grabbed one of his arms. Twisting and turning in an attempt to get away, Tyrone stabbed it in the eye with the end of the microphone. As it made contact with the zombie's skull it went dead, and Tyrone shouted. "Tom, you have to kill me." With a horrified look in his eyes he added, "I do not want to be one of those things!"
Tom stared at Tyrone shaking his head in the negative as he said. "Man, don't ask me to do that. You will be alright. I mean it barely broke the skin."
"Tom if it were you, would you want to be one of those?"
"No, but we don't know for sure."
"Yes, we do! The only thing we don't know is how long before one turns. You know I can't commit suicide. I want to go to heaven, so please as my friend, kill me. The Lord will forgive you if you ask."
Shaking his head and nibbling on his lip Tom moved closer to Tyrone then said, "I don't think I can do it."
"Pleaseee Tom. If not, it may be you I bite and I don't want that to happen." Right then without thinking or saying anything else Tom grabbed up the broom that was near him and broke it over Tyrone's head. As he fell over Tom stabbed the remains of the handle firmly through his eye, then turning he stumbled out of the fire station tired and shaking from taking on the zombies as well as watching his best friend Tyrone laying dead next to a few of the zombies. Nibbling on his lower lip and shaken his head his mind keep reenacting his friend begging to be killed. Slowly lifting his head he could see more zombies crashing and breaking into places while National Guard units sped by shooting off flame thrower and picking up the few real people that were insight. Tom forced his legs to move as he took off after the jeep. Jumping over the dead mangled bodies and knocking the others out of his way. As he jumped to the left he shouted. "Wait for me!" right then a zombie tripped him and as he fell it bit into his leg. The solider just looked at him and shook his head as they sped off in the distance.
All at once John looked at Darrel in the back of the jeep, and said, "It seems fear is running rapid the more people are being turned into zombies."
Darrel just shook his head, and then said, "Yeah, but the most nauseating ones are the little children that are feasting on their parents."
As they drove by the different streets they glanced down them, and the more they pasted they noticed that there were more zombies then humans venturing up and down. A large group of people began snatching up food, water and bed linen from the stores they past, on their way to the jailhouse. Once there they stormed in taking the keys and releasing the unsuspecting cons and locked themselves in hoping to keep safe until help arrived. Shortly the cons were back begging to be let in, yet no-one would unlock their cell door for fear that a zombie would get them. Shortly the ghastly smell of the dead flesh filled the corridors and the people hung blankets up so they didn't have to watch the cons being eaten and then turning into zombies covered in their own blood with body parts hanging out. themselves. One of the zombies moaned and crying out tried to get through the bars.
Jumping back A woman cried out in fear. "Frank! What are we going to do now?"
Frank, a curly blonde, short haired man cleared his throat, then stated, "Please Cindy, just calm down. Those creatures cannot get in and we are not going out until it is safe. We have more then enough supplies to hold out for a really long time."
Nibbling on her lower lip, Cindy sniffled then said, "Are you sure sure someone will come?"
Squaring his shoulders, Frank lovingly lifted her chin, and looking into her eyes said, "I am sure the National Guard will show up to take care of all the cons."
"Won't they be mad at us for turning out the cons and just leave us here?"
"Those bleeding hearts liberals are not the ones coming down here to help anyone. They would never endanger themselves enough to come down here, so the ones that show up will only be the National Guard or the military, either way they will be happy to help us get out of here instead of the cons who they would have to try and keep confined while trying to save them. Now please don't worry, my love." Frank said tenderly touching her cheek.
"Alright Frank, but I am still frightened." She said, patting his knee.
Placing an arm about Cindy's shoulder Frank pulled her close and whispered, "As long as I am here, nothing is going to happen to you and our baby."
Swiftly sitting up straight she stared into Frank's eyes and in a shocked voiced asked, "How did you know?"
Smiling contently, Frank stated, "Did you forget that I have five sisters? The bloating, upset stomach and tiredness were dead give away. Yap, you're pregnant."
"How long have you known?"
"About two weeks for sure; how far are you?"
Cindy smiled and with raised eyebrows asked, "You're not upset with me, are you?"
Slowly shaking his head, Frank replied, "How can I be? You're carrying my baby, yet why haven't you told me?"
Forcing the lump down that sudden lodged in her throat, she said, "I wasn't sure I was going to carry it." Seeing the hurtful look that came to Frank's face she quickly added, " I mean the doctor didn't ever say for sure until the day before yesterday and I have been trying to figure out when would be a good time to tell you. and I guess this was it."
"Well, let me put up some more blankets so we can get some sleep. You need to take care of yourself now."
Frank got up and quickly reinforced the blankets and mad the cots ready for some sleep. He push both together then patting it Cindy came and sat down. With in minutes they were both fast asleep, with the cell key between them.


*       *       *

In Harrison a quaint little town in the mountains which lays roughly 2 miles west of the large observatory and biochemistry lab. The zombies were raising cane and killing all that stepped outside their houses. All at once the side door to the alley began vibrating and splintering as the zombies on the other side piled against it. Swinging his weapon, police chief Roger fired a full clip into the flimsy wood. As he reloaded he called out “Jeff, Tyler, and Daniel get to the cells and release the prisoners, they need to go!” Firing several last rounds each they turned and run to the cells and quickly unlocking the cell doors, herded them out, up the ramp and out of the front door. Roger looked at them and shouted. "Load up the cells with the reserve food, water, medical kits and blankets."
"I,...I chief" filled the room as the rushed back down the ramp. Watching the front door Roger could see the prisoners fighting off the on slaught of zombie which came on them swiftly. Some were now trying hard to get back inside the jail demanding to be let back in. Within minutes Jeff, Tyler and Daniel were back. "They are all loaded." They said in unison.
The police chief said, "Well, at least some of the bastards made it. Now go get your families and my wife and get back here as quick as you can. I will make sure those prisoners don't break back in here. Now hurry!"
Cautiously making their way past the eating zombies to the police vehicles, Jeff jumped into one; Tyler hopped into the Ranger while Daniel climbed in the van. As Roger’s shots began to fly over their heads into the approaching crowd and the roar of the engines coming to life filled the air and all at once over the garage loud speaker came. "Get the hell out of here now and don't stop for anyone else." The three police officers pulled up to the garage gate unloaded one more clip each then put the peddle to the metal and with that the remaining zombies hit the ground and were squished under the tires as they sped away. within an hour Jeff showed back up with Roger’s wife Kim and daughter Beth 6 in the car; moments later Tyler pulled up with his son Timothy 10 and daughter Tonya 9 just as they pulled into the police garage Daniel slammed the van sideways into three zombies trying to get into the parking garage. All three men hurried the children and Kim into the jail house. Roger raced to embrace his wife and as they hugged he noticed no other women there. Pulling back slowly he asked, "What happened? Where are your wives?"
They glanced about at each other, and then slowly shook their heads.
Roger could see the hurt in their eyes and pressed no further; inhaling deeply he calmly said. "Look guys, maybe this is not a good idea. If we can get far enough away we may find others and be safer with them. Karlton is only 5 miles away. Let's put every thing in the van and the rest of us can get in the Ranger. We should be able to get to the police station there and see what all is going on. Who's with me?"
Jeff said, "Sounds good to me," while the other two nodded their approval. Minutes later they has gathered all the supplies as well as extra rounds for their weapons and placed them in the van.
Right then Daniel said, "I'll drive the van. You two keep your families safe."
Roger looked at him, ran his fingers through his hair and said, "Alright, but you stay tight on my bumper we all need to make it."
They all got in their vehicles and Tyler took up front position; pulling up to the garage gate he rolled down his window and began to fire again, trying to hold his aim steady as roger rammed the vehicle into gear and began to accelerate. With a sudden crash arm that blocked the entrance to leading to the street shattered outward and a large, dark haired man jumped into view, running toward them. With a startled scream, Kim, Tyler squeezed off another round, sending a hail of bullets into the man, ripping his right side open. As he clutched at his side with his right hand; he brought the left up to his throat in an attempt to keep the blood from pumping out, yet in seconds the blood covered his hand and fell onto the dusty street. Kim sat in the way back of the Ranger huddled with the children, making sure they could not see the horrors that were going on around them. As the Ranger picked up speed Kim glanced out the back window and watched as the man, now on his knees, was engulfed in dust from the ranger, instantaneously the van knocked him to flat on the ground as it went right over the top of him. For a minute there was silence, broken only by the sound of the Ranger's suspension creaking as they drove. Turning the corner Kim saw a zombie hanging half in and half out of an ambulance. Its up torso appeared to be in while its legs were being drug on the ground. Why would that thing be trying to get into an ambulance, she wondered. Oh yeah there is fresh blood kept in plastic bags for emergencies. Holding the kids tightly she watch as it was drug a good 30 yards before it gently slip into the curb as they sped by.



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